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Let\'s Work Together

Satellite Communications Training Essentials Workshop

October 16, 2024
October 18, 2024
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM


Satellite Communications Training Essentials Workshop

Guaranteed to Run Guaranteed to Run




12:00 - 01:00 BREAK

05:00 - 05:00 CLOSED OF SESSION

Event Details

Satellite Communications Training Essentials Workshop

This three-day Satellite Communications Training Essentials Workshop course reviews the essential elements of all satellite communications systems, with an emphasis on system design and performance. The objective is to inform new engineers and other professionals as well as those knowledgeable in specific technical and business areas by covering the technical characteristics of each aspect of the space and ground system, and showing how they relate to each other. The fundamental connection is the radio link between the satellite and the earth station, which is covered in detail. The basic design of the satellite and earth station are covered to identify the primary elements of each and to compare alternatives that have been and continue to be employed in real systems. These include geostationary satellites and non-geostationary constellations that are currently in development.

Satellite Communications Training Essentials cover the following topics:

  • Satellite Communications Essentials: Satellite Systems, Services, and Regulation
  • Satellite Communications Training Essentials: Technical Fundamentals
  • Satellite Communications Essentials: The Space Segment
  • Satellite Communications Essentials: The Ground Segment
  • Satellite Communications Essentials: The Satellite Earth Link
  • And More…
  • 3 Days of Satellite Communications Training (Satcom) from an Authorized Instructor
  • Official Satellite Communications Training (Satcom) Electronic Courseware
  • Certificate of Completion
  • 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

The target audience for this Satellite Communications Training Essentials Workshop training course:

  • The Satellite Communications Training Workshop course is ideal for engineers and managers involved in Satellite Communications planning, architecture, design, implementation, and operation.

Upon completion of this Satellite Communications Training Workshop course, the participants will:

  • How satellite communications relate to other forms of wireless systems that are used to provide one-way broadcasting and two-way interactive services, especially those delivered through the global Internet
  • The framework that defines the properties of the satellite itself as part of the system and as governed by international rules and regulations, and as offered by commercial operators around the world
  • The types of earth stations used to employ space resources, particularly very small aperture terminals (VSATs) to fixed and mobile users, and larger stations used as hubs and gateways
  • The basic principles of radio-wave propagation and the link budget, which establish whether the connection between user and satellite will work as required
  • The tradeoffs among the various orbits, frequency bands, and modulation and coding technologies needed to realize the required services via the satellite link
  • The evolution of this technology in a changing world

Satellite Communications Training Essentials Workshop

  1. Satellite Systems, Services, and Regulation. Introduction and historical background. The place of satellites in telecommunications. Satellite service definitions: broadcasting BSS, fixed-satellite FSS, and mobile satellite MSS. Major suppliers and operators of satellites. Satellite regulation: role of the ITU, FCC, and regulatory bodies of the various countries where services are provided. Satellite system design overview. Satellite real-world demands: security, control of accidental and intentional interference, resolving RFI.
  2. Technical Fundamentals. Satellite orbit alternatives and their characteristics: geostationary and non-geostationary. Basic definitions: channels, circuits, transponders, decibels. Satellite frequency bands – L, S, C, X, Ku, Ka, etc.: properties of waves, free space loss, polarization, bandwidth. Propagation through the atmosphere: air and clouds, rain, and the ionosphere. Carrying information on radio waves: coding, modulation, multiplexing, DVB-S2 standard, and extensions. Digital communications demands: bit error rate and availability. Satellite Communications Training Essentials Workshop
  3. The Space Segment. The space environment: gravity, radiation, and space debris. Orbits: geostationary orbits; non-geostationary orbits. Orbital slots, footprints, and coverage; satellite spacing; eclipses and sun interference. The basic design of a satellite: structure and spacecraft subsystems (bus), antennas, and repeaters (payload).
  4. The Ground Segment. Earth stations: types – VSATs and hubs, RF equipment (amplifiers and frequency converters), antenna configurations (reflector designs, phased arrays), mounting, and pointing (fixed and mobile installations). Antenna properties: gain; directionality; sidelobes and legal limits on sidelobe gain. Electronics, EIRP, and G/T: LNA and LNB, SSPA; signal flow through an earth station.
  5. The Satellite Earth Link. Atmospheric effects on signals: rain effects and rain climate models; rain fade margins. Link budgets, C/N, and Eb/No. Multiple access techniques: FDMA, TDMA, ALOHA, CDMA; Paired Carrier Multiple Access, demand assignment; on-board processing. Signal security issues. Internet Protocol networks and adaptation to the satellite link.
  6. Conclusion. Industry issues and trends: non-geostationary constellations for broadband, smallsats, high altitude platforms, and challenges in the future.
Satellite Communications Training Essentials WorkshopSatellite Communications Training Essentials Workshop Course Recap, Q/A, and Evaluations


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