5G Wireless: Federal and Defense Applications and Implications Training

Commitment 1 Day, 7-8 hours a day.
Language English
User Ratings Average User Rating 4.8 See what learners said
Delivery Options Instructor-Led Onsite, Online, and Classroom Live


While researchers are hard at work developing what will become 5G wireless standards, managers/executives and technologists in the Defense, Homeland Security, Intelligence, and Surveillance/Reconnaissance space are trying to come to grips with what 5G means for their professions. This 5G Wireless: Federal and Defense Applications and Implications Training course, one of several courses on 5G wireless, focuses on the US federal and military applications of 5G communications.

The 5G Wireless: Federal and Defense Applications and Implications Training course include a review of the key applications and implications of 5G for its intended audience including tactical military radio, cognitive radar, cognitive jamming, and ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance). This 5G Wireless: Federal and Defense Applications and Implications course is taught by a 5G researcher actively involved in pushing the state-of-the-art and is continually updated to reflect the evolving technology landscape. You will go away from the course having acquired an understanding of the major government/defense applications and implications of 5G.

  • 1-day of 5G Wireless: Federal and Defense Applications and Implications Training with an expert instructor
  • 5G Wireless: Federal and Defense Applications and Implications Electronic Course Guide
  • Certificate of Completion
  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee



Upon completing this 5G Wireless: Federal and Defense Applications and Implications course, learners will be able to meet these objectives:

  • Characterize the current trends in military and tactical communications
  • Describe how 5G wireless technologies can be leveraged in the federal, military, and public safety space
  • We can customize the content, duration, and tech level of this 5G Wireless: Federal and Defense Applications and Implications course at no additional cost to meet the varying needs of audiences such as R&D personnel, managers/executives, and policy planners/strategists. For those working in the defense and homeland security sectors, the customization can potentially include the inclusion of restricted content, subject to the availability of suitable classroom facilities and approval from the cognizant federal authority.

The target audience for this 5G Wireless: Federal and Defense Applications and Implications course:

  • This 5G Wireless: Federal and Defense Applications and Implications course is designed for those with some familiarity with 5G wireless basics who wish to understand the applications and implications of 5G to federal and defense missions. This course is typically offered as an add-on second or fifth day, respectively, to the courses listed under prerequisites.

The knowledge and skills that a learner must have before attending this 5G Wireless: Federal and Defense Applications and Implications course are:


Tactical Radio
  • DOD Platforms: XG, WNAN, MAINGATE
  • DOD DSA Spectrum Policy
  • Policy-based DSA Systems
Cognitive Radar
  • Coexistence Issues
  • Comms coexisting with Radar
  • Radar Coexisting with Comms
Cognitive Jamming
  • Electronic Warfare
  • Adaptive Jammers
  • DARPA BLADE and CommEx Programs
Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR)
  • Automated Signal Detection
  • Automated Signal Classification
  • Cognitive Signal Analytics
  • Specific Platforms
 5G Wireless: Federal and Defense Applications and Implications Training 5G Wireless: Federal and Defense Applications and Implications Training Course Wrap-Up