Aegis Combat System Engineering Training
Commitment | 2 days, 7-8 hours a day. |
Language | English |
User Ratings | Average User Rating 4.8 See what learners said |
Price | REQUEST |
Delivery Options | Instructor-Led Onsite, Online, and Classroom Live |
Naval engagements can be divided into three major functions: Detect, Control, and Engage. The Aegis Combat System (ACS) is the first to tightly integrate, interlace, and overlap all three functions into one. The central integrating element of the ACS is the Aegis Weapon System (AWS) which is a multifunction radar and fire control system designed for the Navy’s anti-air warfare (AAW) mission of fleet defense. The system conducts AAW engagements, starting with surveillance and tracking by the SPY-1 radar; application of engagement doctrine by the Command and Control system; intercept calculation, weapon selection, launch, and guidance of the Standard Missile by the Weapon Control system; and terminal homing by the Fire Control System using the MK-99 illuminator.
In Aegis Combat System Engineering Training attendees will study the System Engineering processes: concept definition; design: and implementation; and understand applications in design and upgrade configurations. The focus will be on the engineering of the Weapon System including Standard Missile and Aegis Combat System integration. Program and Project Managers, Contract Administrators, Quality Managers, and Engineers (all disciplines) can accelerate their ability to understand ACS design competencies.
- 2 days of Aegis Combat System Engineering Training with an expert instructor
- Aegis Combat System Engineering Electronic Course Guide
- Certificate of Completion
- 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
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- Aegis Combat System Engineering Training –
- We can adapt this Aegis Combat System Engineering course to your group’s background and work requirements at little to no added cost.
- If you are familiar with some aspects of this Aegis Combat System Engineering course, we can omit or shorten their discussion.
- We can adjust the emphasis placed on the various topics or build the Aegis Combat System Engineering course around the mix of technologies of interest to you (including technologies other than those included in this outline).
- If your background is nontechnical, we can exclude the more technical topics, include the topics that may be of special interest to you (e.g., as a manager or policy-maker), and present the Aegis Combat System Engineering course in a manner understandable to lay audiences.
Upon completing this Aegis Combat System Engineering course, learners will be able to meet these objectives:
- The main focus will be on the engineering of the Weapon System including Standard Missile and Aegis Combat System integration. Students will develop an understanding of the three System Engineering process phases: concept definition; design: and implementation. A background in understanding System Engineering applications in design and upgrade configurations will be provided. Students will examine how the System Engineering process ensures that systems are developed to meet mission performance objectives that are affordable, operationally effective, and timely.
The target audience for this Aegis Combat System Engineering course:
- All
The knowledge and skills that a learner must have before attending this Aegis Combat System Engineering course are:
- Provides an Engineering overview of Aegis Combat System (ACS) design competencies : (a) ACS Missions (AAW, ASUW, ASW, EW, SW, BMD) (b) System Engineering Process (Concept Definition, Design & Implementation (Integration & Test & Certification) and (c)System Development Process (Planning (V-chart), Lessons learned & applied and Deliverables). Emphasis on: Integrated Air and Missile Defense: ACS Capabilities: Combat System challenges, ACS configuration upgrades (Ship Flight Configurations, Equipment Configurations, Computer Program Baselines)ACS Battle Planning and Coordination at the Ship and Force levels
- Anti-Air Warfare (AAW) Design competencies: Detect, Control, and Engage sequences.
- Aegis Integrated Air and Missile Defense (IAMD): (Integrated Tactical Planning, Search and Track functions, Control and Engage functions)
- Aegis Weapon System (AWS) Design Principles ((a) AWS System architecture (b)AWS Element Design: Radar(SPY-1); Standard Missile Family(SM); Vertical Launching System (VLS); Command and Control (C&C); Weapon Control (WCS); Fire Control (FCS); Operational Readiness testing (ORTS); Communication Links
- Aegis Weapon System functional design: Focus will be on the engineering of the Weapon System including, functional design, and Standard Missile and Aegis Combat System integration.
- Aegis Multifunction SPY-1 Radar Design: AAW regional and self-defense needs, radar system mission factors, radar multi-mode design, key radar functions, radar functional design, radar resource management, radar engagement support, radar track accuracy radar discrimination, radar sub-elements: Antenna, Transmitter, Signal Processor, Radar Control.
- ACS Performance: Mission performance (firepower, reaction time, ECM resistance, Availability, Coverage); Integration of system functions, engineering disciplines, system tools, and outputs; system development approach, capability analysis for demonstrated system performance, engineering budgets.