Antenna Engineering, Theory, Analysis and Design Training
Commitment | 3 Days, 7-8 hours a day. |
Language | English |
User Ratings | Average User Rating 4.8 See what learners said |
Price | REQUEST |
Delivery Options | Instructor-Led Onsite, Online, and Classroom Live |
This three-day Antenna Engineering, Theory, Analysis, and Design Training course teaches the basics of antenna and antenna array theory. Fundamental concepts such as beam patterns, radiation resistance, polarization, gain/directivity, aperture size, reciprocity, and matching techniques are presented. Different types of antennas such as dipole, loop, patch, horn, dish, and helical antennas are discussed and compared, and contrasted from a performance/applications standpoint. The locations of the reactive ear field, radiating near-field (Fresnel region), and far-field (Fraunhofer region) are described and the Friis transmission formula is presented with worked examples. Propagation effects are presented.
Antenna arrays are discussed, and array factors for different types of distributions (e.g., uniform, binomial, and Tschebyscheff arrays) are analyzed giving insight into sidelobe levels, null locations, and beam broadening (as the array scans from the broadside.) The end-fire condition is discussed. Beam steering is described using phase shifters and true-time delay devices. Problems such as grating lobes, beam squint, quantization errors, and scan blindness are presented. Antenna systems (transmit/receive) with active amplifiers are introduced. Finally, measurement techniques commonly used in anechoic chambers are outlined. The textbook, Antenna Theory, Analysis & Design, is included as well as a comprehensive set of course notes.
- 3 days of Antenna Engineering, Theory, Analysis, and Design Training with an expert instructor
- Antenna Engineering, Theory, Analysis, and Design Electronic Course Guide
- Certificate of Completion
- 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
- Antenna Engineering, Theory, Analysis, and Design –
- Antenna Engineering, Theory, Analysis, and Design Training –
- Antenna Engineering, Theory, Analysis, and Design –
- Antenna Engineering, Theory, Analysis, and Design Training –
- Antenna Engineering, Theory, Analysis, and Design Training –
After completing this Antenna Engineering, Theory, Analysis, and Design course, students will be able to:
- Understand the basics theory behind antennas and antenna theory
- Discuss the mathematical and physical background that is needed to understand electromagnetic radiation and antennas
- Describe antenna radiation and antenna parameters
- Master basic definitions of the antenna including radiation, gain, bandwidth, directivity, efficiency, effective area, pattern, impedance, antenna noise temperature, and polarization of antennas for wireless communications
- Understand the operation of a wide range of antenna types
- Carry out planning, calculation, and design of a wide range of antenna types
- Select antenna types for specific applications and systems
- Learn to measure antenna performance on a variety of antenna measurement facility types
- Explore new antenna concepts such as smart antenna, Phased-Array, MIMO, and MU-MIMO
- We can adapt this Antenna Engineering, Theory, Analysis, and Design course to your group’s background and work requirements at little to no added cost.
- If you are familiar with some aspects of this Antenna Engineering, Theory, Analysis, and Design course, we can omit or shorten their discussion.
- We can adjust the emphasis placed on the various topics or build the Antenna Engineering, Theory, Analysis, and Design course around the mix of technologies of interest to you (including technologies other than those included in this outline).
- If your background is nontechnical, we can exclude the more technical topics, include the topics that may be of special interest to you (e.g., as a manager or policy-maker), and present the Antenna Engineering, Theory, Analysis, and Design course in a manner understandable to lay audiences.
The target audience for this Antenna Engineering, Theory, Analysis, and Design course:
- Engineers
- Scientists
- Managers
- Technicians
- Operators
There are no formal prerequisites for this course.
- N/A
Fundamentals of Antennas
- Antenna Terminology
- Antenna Basics
- Theory and practice of antenna engineering
- Popular antenna types
- Antenna applications and electromagnetic properties
- The spectrum of frequencies: 550 kHz to 550 GHz
- VHF, UHF, and microwave regions.
- Mobile communications
- Radar
- Military applications.
- Radiation
- Electromagnetic wave propagation
- Power flow
- Maxwell equation basics
- Plane wave propagation in space
- Antenna directivity, power gain and efficiency
- Components, Construction and Cost
- Modeling and Simulation of Antennas
- Near-Field Antenna Measurement Techniques
- Far-Field Antenna Measurements
- Near-Field Antenna Measurements
Why do Antennas Radiate?
- Radiowave Propagation
- Antenna Function
- Size and Directivity
- Gain and Frequency
- Physics and Applications
- Transformation of a guided EM wave
- Transmission line
- Radiator
- Resonator
- Radiation Pattern
- Antenna Gain
- Antenna Polarization
- Antenna Parameters
- Antenna Bandwidth and Gain
- Effective Area or Aperture
- Intended and Unintended Radiators
- Antenna Materials
- Antenna Synthesis and Continuous Sources
- Basic Antenna Properties
- Bandwidth
- Frequency Bands
- Field Regions
- Directivity
- Efficiency and Antenna Gain
- Beamwidths and Sidelobes
- Impedance and VSWR
- Radiation Pattern
- How to read Radiation Patterns
- Effect of Polarization
- Computational Methods for Antennas
- Computer Modeling of Antennas
- Current and Voltage Distribution
Antenna Engineering, Theory, Analysis, and Design Training – Types of Antennas
- Aperture Antennas
- Antenna Arrays
- Resonant antennas
- Traveling wave antennas
- Frequency Independent antennas
- Aperture antennas Phased arrays
- Electrically small antennas
- Circularly polarized antennas
- Antenna Miniaturization and Fractal Antennas
- Antenna Engineering, Theory, Analysis, and Design Training
Physics of Different Antenna Types
- Helical Antennas
- Helical Antennas
- Horn Antennas
- Linear Wire Antennas
- Log Periodic Dipole Arrays
- Loop Antennas
- Low-Noise Antennas
- Microstrip Antennas
- Mobile Antennas
- Phased Array Technology
- Spiral Antennas
- Traveling Wave and Broadband Antennas
- VHF and UHF Antennas
- Broadband Dipoles and Matching Techniques
- Cellular Base Station Antennas
- Dipoles and Monopoles
- Radar Antennas
- Reflector Antennas
Fundamental Parameters of Antennas
- Antenna Radiation Efficiency
- Antenna Temperature
- Antenna Vector Effective Length and Equivalent Areas
- Bandwidth
- Beam Efficiency
- Beamwidth
- Gain
- Impedance and Impedance Matching
- Integral Equations, Moment Method, and Self and Mutual Impedance
- Directivity
- Maximum Directivity and Maximum Effective Area
- Numerical Techniques
- Polarization
- Propagation Effects
- Radiation Integrals and Auxiliary Potential Functions
- Radiation Intensity
- Radiation Pattern
- Radiation Power Density
- Radomes
- Reciprocity
- Smith Charts
- Antenna Temperature
- Design Considerations
Antenna Engineering, Theory, Analysis and Design Training – Linear Wire Antennas
- Infinitesimal Dipole
- Small Dipole
- Region Separation
- Finite Length Dipole
- Half-Wavelength Dipole
- Linear Elements Near or on Infinite Perfect Conductors
- Ground Effects
- Computer Codes
Building Loop Antennas
- Small Circular Loop
- Circular Loop of Constant Current
- Ground and Earth Curvature Effects
- Polygonal Loop Antennas
- Ferrite Loop
- Mobile Communication Systems
Building Arrays Antennas
- Linear, Planar, and Circular
- Two-Element Array
- Design Procedure
- Rectangular-to-Polar Graphical Solution
- Superdirectivity
- Planar Array
- Circular Array
Introduction to Smart Antenna
- Antenna Arrays
- Phased Array Antennas
- MIMO and MU-MIMO Concepts
- Antenna Testing and Measurements
- Antenna Measurement Techniques
- Phased Array Antennas for Radar and Communications
- Phased Array Antennas and Adaptive Techniques
- Antenna Engineering, Theory, Analysis, and Design Training Course Recap