Missile Guidance Training

Commitment 2 days, 7-8 hours a day.
Language English
User Ratings Average User Rating 4.8 See what learners said
Delivery Options Instructor-Led Onsite, Online, and Classroom Live


Missile Guidance Training presents both fundamental concepts and practical implementation of parallel navigation. It is dedicated to missile guidance. The guidance law design is considered from the point of view of control theory, i.e., as the design of controls guiding missiles to hit targets. Guidance laws design is considered as the design of controls. The design procedure is presented in the time domain and in the frequency domain. The different approaches, in the time and frequency domain, generate different guidance laws that supplement each other. Proportional navigation is considered also a control problem.

A wider class of guidance laws is obtained based on the Lyapunov approach. The analytical expressions of the guidance law are given for the generalized planar and three-dimensional engagement models for missiles with and without axial controlled acceleration. The Lyapunov-Bellman approach is used to justify the choice of some guidance law parameters.

The problem of the integrated design of guidance and control laws is discussed. The problem of modification of the existing autopilots is presented as a problem of new guidance laws design. Computational aspects of missile guidance are considered. As an example, the application of the theory to the design of the boost-phase interceptors is considered.

  • 2 days of Missile Guidance Training with an expert instructor
  • Missile Guidance Electronic Course Guide
  • Certificate of Completion
  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee



Upon completing this Missile Guidance course, learners will be able to meet these objectives:

  • About various types of missiles and related problems
  • Where the most promising international research is being performed.
  • Guidance laws are designed as a control problem.
  • Theoretical aspects and computational algorithms.
  • Example of guidance laws for the new generation of interceptors.
  • We can adapt this Missile Guidance course to your group’s background and work requirements at little to no added cost.
  • If you are familiar with some aspects of this Missile Guidance course, we can omit or shorten their discussion.
  • We can adjust the emphasis placed on the various topics or build the Missile Guidance course around the mix of technologies of interest to you (including technologies other than those included in this outline).
  • If your background is nontechnical, we can exclude the more technical topics, include the topics that may be of special interest to you (e.g., as a manager or policy-maker), and present the Missile Guidance training course in a manner understandable to lay audiences.

The target audience for this Missile Guidance course:

  • All

The knowledge and skills that a learner must have before attending this Missile Guidance course are:

  • N/A


  1. Introduction Various types of missiles. Current research efforts
  2. Basics of Missile Guidance. Parallel Navigation
  3. Representation of Motion. Guidance Process. Parallel Navigation. Proportional Navigation. Augmented Proportional Navigation.
    Planar engagement. Three-dimensional engagement. Missile Guidance Training
  4. Analysis of PN Guided Missile Systems in Time and Frequency Domains
  5. Frequency-Domain Analysis. Steady-state Miss Analysis. Weave Maneuver Analysis. Frequency Analysis and Miss Step Response. BIBO Stability. Frequency Response of the Generalized Missile Guidance Model.
  6. Design of Guidance Laws Implementing Parallel Navigation. Time-Domain Approach
  7. Guidance as a Control Problem. Lyapunov Approach to Control Law Design. Modified Linear Planar Model of Engagement. General Planar Case. Three-Dimensional Engagement Model. Generalized Guidance Laws. Optimal Guidance Laws.
  8. Design of Guidance Laws Implementing Parallel Navigation. Frequency-Domain Approach
  9. Neo-classical Missile Guidance. Pseudo-classical Missile Guidance. Missile Guidance Training
  10. Guidance Law Performance Analysis Under Stochastic Inputs
  11. Random Target Maneuvers. Analysis of Influence of Noises on Miss Distance. Effect of Random Target Maneuvers on Miss Distance. Filtering
  12. Integrated Design
  13. Integrated guidance and control model. Synthesis of control laws. Integration and decomposition.
  14. Computational aspects. Examples
  15. Software for Frequency-Domain Approach.
  16. Software for Time-Domain Methods. An example of the boost-phase interceptors design.
    Concluding Remarks
Missile Guidance TrainingMissile Guidance Training Course Wrap-Up