Radar Technology Training Fundamentals

Commitment 4 days, 7-8 hours a day.
Language English
User Ratings Average User Rating 4.8 See what learners said
Delivery Options Instructor-Led Onsite, Online, and Classroom Live


Radar Technology Training Fundamentals provides an overview of rockets and missiles, including a fourth day covering advanced selection and design processes. The course provides a wide practical knowledge of rocket and missile issues and technologies. The seminar is designed for engineers, supporting disciplines, decision-makers, and managers of current and future projects needing a more complete understanding of the complex issues of rocket and missile technology. The Radar Technology Training Fundamentals seminar provides a foundation for understanding the issues that must be decided in the design, use, regulation, selection, and development of rocket systems of the future. You will learn a wide spectrum of problems, solutions, and choices in the technology of rockets and missiles used for both military and civil purposes. The seminar is taught from the point-of-view of a decision maker needing the technical knowledge to make better-informed choices in the multi-discipline world of rockets and missiles.

The Radar Technology Training Fundamentals class provides what you need to know about how rockets and missiles work, why they are built the way they are, what they are used for, and how they differ from use to use. You will learn how rockets and missiles differ when used as weapons, as launch vehicles, and in spacecraft or satellites. The objective is to give the decision maker all the tools needed to understand the available choices and to manage or work with other technical experts of different specialized disciplines. Attendees will receive a 210-page textbook by the presenter, covering the course, and a complete set of printed class notes used during the class. The book is a more in-depth and permanent explanation of each slide presented in the first three days of the class. These notes, and the book, will be an excellent future reference for anyone in the aerospace business.

  • 4 days of Radar Technology Training Fundamentals with an expert instructor
  • Radar Technology Training Fundamentals Electronic Course Guide
  • Certificate of Completion
  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee





Upon completing this Radar Technology Training Fundamentals course, learners will be able to meet these objectives:

  • Fundamentals of rocket and missile systems, functions, and disciplines
  • The full spectrum of rocket systems uses and technologies
  • Optimum Selection and Design strategies
  • Fundamentals and uses of solid, liquid, and hybrid rocket systems
  • Differences between weapons systems and those built for commerce
  • We can adapt this Radar Technology Training Fundamentals course to your group’s background and work requirements at little to no added cost.
  • If you are familiar with some aspects of this Radar Technology Training Fundamentals course, we can omit or shorten their discussion.
  • We can adjust the emphasis placed on the various topics or build the Radar Technology Fundamentals around the mix of technologies of interest to you (including technologies other than those included in this outline).
  • If your background is nontechnical, we can exclude the more technical topics, include the topics that may be of special interest to you (e.g., as a manager or policy-maker), and present the Radar Technology Training Fundamentals course in a manner understandable to lay audiences.

The target audience for this Radar Technology Training Fundamentals course:

  • Engineers
  • Technical managers
  • Technicians
  • Logistics and support
  • Pilots
  • Procurement

The knowledge and skills that a learner must have before attending this Radar Technology Fundamentals course are:

  • Basic technical knowledge


  1. Introduction to Rockets and Missiles – The student is introduced to the historic and practical uses of rocket systems.
  2. Classifications of Rockets and Missiles – The classifications and terminology of all types of rocket systems are defined.
  3. Rocket Propulsion made Simple – The chemistry and physics of all rockets and rocket nozzles operating to achieve thrust are explained. Rocket performance modeling is introduced.
  4. Rocket Flight Environments – The flight environments of rockets, such as acceleration, heating, shock, and vibration, are explored.
  5. Aerodynamics and Winds – The effect of winds, atmospheric density, and velocity on the lift, drag, and dynamic pressure is explained. Rocket shape, stability, and venting are discussed.
  6. Performance Analysis and Staging – The use of performance modeling and loss factors is defined. The staging theory for multi-stage rockets is explained.
  7. Mass Properties and Propellant Selection – The relative importance of specific impulse, bulk density, bulk temperature, storability, ignition properties, stability, toxicity, operability, and material. Radar Technology Training Fundamentals
    compatibility and ullege are defined. Monopropellants and cold gas propellants are introduced.
  8. Introduction to Solid Rocket Motors – The historical and technological aspects of Solid Rocket Motors is explored. Solid rocket materials, propellants, thrust profiles, construction, cost advantages, and special applications are explained.
  9. Fundamentals of Hybrid Rockets – The technology and Problems of hybrid rockets are discussed.
  10. Liquid Rocket Engines – Pressure and pump-fed liquid rocket engines are explained, including injectors, cooling, chamber construction, pump cycles, ignition, and thrust vector control.
  11. Introducing the Liquid Rocket Stage – Liquid rocket stages are introduced, including tank systems, pressurization, cryogenics, and other structures
  12. Thrust Vector Control – Thrust Vector control hardware and alternatives are explained.
  13. Basic Rocket Avionics – Flight electronics elements of Guidance, Navigation, Control, Communications, Telemetry, Range Safety, and Payloads are defined.
  14. Modern Expendable Launch Vehicles – Good launch vehicle designs are defined, with alternative examples.
  15. Rockets in Spacecraft Propulsion – The differences between systems on spacecraft, satellites, and transfer stages, operating in microgravity, are examined.
  16. Launch Sites and Operations – The role and purpose of launch sites, and the choices available for a launch operations infrastructure, are explored.
  17. Useful Orbits & Trajectories Made Simple – A simplified presentation of orbital mechanics, for the understanding of rocket propulsion in orbital trajectories and maneuvers, is provided. Radar Technology Training Fundamentals
  18. Safety of Rocket Systems – The hazards and mitigations of rocket operations are examined.
  19. Reliability of Rocket Systems – Reliability, and strategies to improve reliability, are discussed, including random and systematic failures, reliability environments, quality, robustness, and redundancy.
  20. Reusable Launch Vehicle Theory – Why Reusable Launch Vehicles have had difficulty replacing expendable launch vehicles.
  21. Rocket Cost Principals and Cases – Cost estimation methods modeling systems as a science, including why costs are so high. Strategies from the Soyuz Case illustrate alternatives and cost reduction. Integrated modeling and incentives are introduced.
  22. Chemical Rocket Propulsion Alternatives – Alternatives to chemical rocket propulsion include air-breathing, nuclear, thermal, cannons, and tethers explored.
  23. The proliferation of Missile Technology – Foreign Rocket threats
  24. The Future of Rockets and Missiles – The direction of rocket technology, science, usage, and regulations is conducted.
  25. Opportunities to Select and/or Design Optimum Launch Vehicles. – In your career, you may work on a selection of Space Mission Launch Vehicles, work on the design of Launch Vehicle, or both. This fourth day will help you understand optimization processes for both the design and selection of Launch Vehicles.
  26. Selection – The time and circumstances of optimum selection are explored, and the reasons are explained.
  27. Optimizing the Selection Trade Study Process Standard vs. optimum processes is explained.
  28. Integrating Available Information on Alternatives All Launch Vehicle characteristics must be accurately determined.
  29. The Goals and Incentives of Launch Vehicle Design – Setting goals and incentives for a successful project. Goals and incentives of the past explain future successes and failures
  30. Optimum Launch Vehicle Design Strategies – Optimum design strategies are explained to the extent that the student will understand what works and what fails. These strategies are barely understood throughout the Aerospace community, leading to many bad assumptions.
  31. Understanding Why Good Designs Succeed – The strategies from Soyuz, Delta, Space-X, and beyond, are wrapped up. The student will understand how to optimize both the selection and design process of Launch Vehicles.
Radar Technology Training FundamentalsRadar Technology Training Fundamentals Course Wrap-Up