Space Systems – Subsystems Designs Training

Commitment 4 days, 7-8 hours a day.
Language English
User Ratings Average User Rating 4.8 See what learners said
Delivery Options Instructor-Led Onsite, Online, and Classroom Live


Space Systems – Subsystems Designs Training course in space systems and space subsystems engineering is for technical and management personnel who wish to gain an understanding of the important technical concepts in the development of space instrumentation, subsystems, and systems. The goal is to assist students in achieving their professional potential by endowing them with an understanding of the basics of subsystems and the supporting disciplines important to developing space instrumentation, space subsystems, and space systems.

It is designed for participants who expect to plan, design, build, integrate, test, launch, operate, or manage subsystems, space systems, launch vehicles, spacecraft, payloads, or ground systems. The objective is to expose each participant to the fundamentals of each subsystem and their inter-relations, to not necessarily make each student a systems engineer, but to give aerospace engineers and managers a technically based space systems perspective. The fundamental concepts are introduced and illustrated by state-of-the-art examples. This course differs from the typical space systems course in that the technical aspects of each important subsystem are addressed.

  • 4 days of Space Systems – Subsystems Designs with an expert instructor
  • Space Systems – Subsystems Designs Electronic Course Guide
  • Certificate of Completion
  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee



Upon completing this Space Systems – Subsystems Designs Training course, learners will be able to meet these objectives:

  • Basics of systems engineering
  • Fundamentals necessary to become a systems engineer
  • Fundamentals concepts of the design of space systems
  • Managing and minimizing risks in space systems
  • Challenges of developing a space system or complex space instrument
  • Detailed technical description of the major subsystems of a spacecraft
  • We can adapt this Space Systems – Subsystems Designs Training course to your group’s background and work requirements at little to no added cost.
  • If you are familiar with some aspects of this Space Systems – Subsystems Designs Training course, we can omit or shorten their discussion.
  • We can adjust the emphasis placed on the various topics or build the Space Systems – Subsystems Designs Training around the mix of technologies of interest to you (including technologies other than those included in this outline).
  • If your background is nontechnical, we can exclude the more technical topics, include the topics that may be of special interest to you (e.g., as a manager or policy-maker), and present the Space Systems – Subsystems Designs Training course in a manner understandable to lay audiences.

The target audience for this Space Systems – Subsystems Designs Training course:

  • Scientists, engineers, and managers involved in the management, planning, design, fabrication, integration, testing, or operation of space instruments, space subsystems, and spacecraft. The course will provide an understanding of the space subsystems and disciplines necessary to develop a space instrument and spacecraft and the systems engineering approach to integrate these for a successful mission.

The knowledge and skills that a learner must have before attending this  Space Systems – Subsystems Designs course are:

  • N/A


  1. Introduction:
    • A brief discussion of the objectives of the class, the approach, the logistics, and the qualification of Dr Pisacane
  2. Overview of Topics:
    • Overview of the following topics: Systems Engineering. Risk Management. Time Systems. Astrodynamics.
    • Orbit Determination.
    • Spacecraft Propulsion Systems. Spacecraft Attitude Determination.
    • Spacecraft Attitude Control, Spacecraft Power Systems. Space Communications.
    • Spacecraft Command & Telemetry. Spacecraft Thermal Control.
    • Spacecraft Structures. Mission Operations. Introduction to Cubesats.
    • Mission Operations.
  3. Overview of Selected Systems:
    • Recent Spacecraft missions are discussed to provide an overall perspective of some challenging missions.
    • Cassini-Huygens mission to Saturn.
    • Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous to the asteroid Eros.
  4. Systems Engineering:
    • Introductory Concepts.
    • Systems Engineering (space engineering standards, development processes).
    • System Development (V diagram, system life cycle, engineering management plan, ICDs, configuration management, margins, and contingencies, TRLs).
    • Engineering Reviews (attributes and types).
    • System Testing (types, verification, and validation).
    • Management of Space Systems (scheduling, budgeting, earned value, cost estimating, cost readiness levels).
  5. Space Systems – Subsystems Designs Training – Astrodynamics:
    • Introduction.
    • Equations of Motion (Kepler’s laws, differential equation of orbit, sun and moon effects).
    • Conic Sections (circular, elliptical, parabolic, and hyperbolic orbit position determination, ground coverage, Walker constellation, repeating ground tracks).
    • Reference Systems (ICRS, GCRS ITRS, crustal motion, IERS bulletins, geometric transformation).
    • Classical Orbital Elements.
    • Gravitational Potential (models, WGS-84, EGM 2008, planetary models ).
    • Trajectory Perturbations (gravity, drag, radiation pressure, Lagrange planetary equations, orbital maneuvers).
  6. Spacecraft Propulsion Systems:
    • Introduction (Uses, characteristics, types of rockets).
    • Rocket Propulsion(Chemical rocket, rocket equation of motion, effective exhaust velocity, specific impulse, exhaust velocity, mass flow rate, nozzle shape, Delaval nozzle, aerospike engine, thrust coefficient. characteristic exhaust velocity, mixture ratios, rocket performance, and POGO oscillations).
    • Force-Free Rocket Motion (Single-stage rocket, propellant mass required).
    • Launch Vehicles and Flight Mechanics (US launch vehicles, gravity turn trajectory, sample mission profiles, launch site constraints CCAS and VAFB).
    • example Propulsion Systems (Solid rocket characteristics, solid propellants, grain shapes, liquid rocket types, Cassini propulsion system, hybrid propulsion, nuclear propulsion).
    • Electrical Propulsion Systems(Components, electrothermal, arc jet, ion thrusters, examples of pulsed plasma, xenon, and Hall thrusters.
  7. Spacecraft Attitude Determination:
    • Overview (Feedback control).
    • Attitude Kinematics (. (Direction cosines, Euler angles, quaternions, Euler’s geometrical equations, Euler’s kinematical equations).
    • Attitude Determination (Triad algorithm, Kalman filter).
    • Attitude Sensors (Sun sensors, magnetometers, horizon sensors, star sensors, GPS attitude, typical configurations).
    • Rate Sensors (mechanical, optical, laser, resonator, and MEMS gyroscopes).
    • Inertial Measurement Units.
  8. Spacecraft Attitude Control:
    • Equations of Motion (Euler equation, dynamic condition for solar-powered spacecraft).
    • Environmental Torques (Aerodynamic, gravity-gradient, magnetic, back-wired solar cells, radiation pressure, internal generated, swing magnetic test).
    • Attitude Control Methods (Passive, gravity-gradient, magnetic, spin, passive nutation dampers, active, gravity-gradient, thrusters, momentum wheels, dual-spin, CMG).
    • Feedback Control (Proportional, integral, and derivate control, characteristics of PID control, effects of control laws, bang-bang control, B dot control, Laplace transforms).
    • Control Example (Pitch control example). Actuators (Reaction control thrusters, control moment gyros, momentum and reaction wheels, magnetic torques, examples of each).
    • Libration and Nutation Dampers (Precession and nutation, hysteresis rods, examples).
    • Attitude Control Systems (Magnetic, spin, dual-spin, gravity-gradient, inertial with examples including NEAR spacecraft).
    • Supplemental Attitude Control Systems.
  9. Spacecraft Power Systems:
    • Introduction (Functions and components, potential power systems, power growth by design milestone, use of nuclear power).
    • Nuclear Reactors (Types, thermoelectric and thermionic conversion, nuclear power systems launched).
    • Radioisotope Generators (Description, developed systems, availability of plutonium 238, GPHS-RTG, MMRTG, RTG degradation, ASRTG). Fuel Cells (Description, types, examples).
    • Solar Thermal Dynamic (Principles).
    • Battery Principles (Components, types, battery parameters, selection process).
    • Primary Batteries (Requirements, types, characteristics, and performance).
    • Secondary Batteries (requirements, types, characteristics and performance, operating characteristics. Improving battery life, for example, battery configurations) Solar-Orbital Geometry (Solar constant, Stefan-Boltzmann law, shadowing, beta angle, charging requirements).
    • Solar Cell Basics (Semiconductor constituents, diode construction, forward and reverse bias, schematic, multijunction cell, cell efficiencies, cell shadowing, bypass and blocking diodes, I V curve, the effect of illumination, temperature, and radiation, constructions, radiation damage coefficients).
    • Solar Arrays (Array sizing, concentrators). Power System Control (Direct energy transfer, peak power tracking, various charge control approaches, bus regulation).
    • Design Principles (Development process, requirements, constraints, analysis example).
    • Power System Designs (Example system configurations).
  10. Space Communications:
    • Mathematics (dB, Fourier transform, examples, up and down-converting).
    • Overview (Functions, tracking, telemetry, commands, transceiver, heterodyning, receiver characteristics, NEAR system).
    • Radio Spectrum (Frequency bands, frequency control, NASA spectrum, communication satellite frequencies).
    • Antennas (Types, isotropic, EIRP, wire antenna, beamwidth, power gain, dish, Cassegrain, gregorian, polarization, Faraday rotation, polarization mismatches, compute parabolic gain and beamwidth, pointing error loss, power transfer equations, space loss).
    • Noise (central limit theorem with examples, Gaussian distribution, cross-correlation, autocorrelation, power spectral density, white noise, thermal noise, noise temperature, system noise temperature, noise factor and figure, antenna noise).
    • Link Analysis (Equations, sensitivity ratio, calculate receiver sensitivity, signal to noise ratio, example link analysis).
    • Analog Communications (Modulation types). Pulse Code Modulation(Filtering, sampling, quantization, encoding, Nyquist sampling theorem, examples, line codes)
    • Digital Communications (Receiver characteristics, correlation or matched filter with examples, matched filter performance, ASK, FSK, PSK, intersymbol interference, raised cosine filter, bit error rate with examples)
  11. Spacecraft Thermal Control:
    • Introduction (Function, development process, mission phases, temperature ranges, temperature margins).
    • Design Process (Design sequence, design process, evaluation criteria). Thermal Environment (Heat sources, blackbody, albedo, sample computer simulation).
    • Heat Transfer Basics (Convection, conduction, radiation, emittance, absorptance, view factors, nearby surfaces).
    • Analysis Methods (Lumped parameter, finite difference, finite element, example analyses, worst case parameters).Thermal Control Components (coatings, second surface mirrors, MLI, radiators, louvers, heat pipes, phase change materials, heat sinks, doublers, thermal isolators, RHUs).
    • Thermal Analyses (Heat balance, example analytic solutions, numerical simulation).
    • Bakeout (Outgassing, ASTM-E595 standard, GSFC database).
    • Thermal Tests (Thermal balance, thermal vacuum, thermal cycle).
    • Sample Thermal Control Systems.
  12. Space Systems – Subsystems Designs Training – Spacecraft Structures:
    • Introduction (Function and constraints, design objectives, requirements) Launch Vehicles (launch profile, mechanical loads, quasi-static, random, acoustic, shock, separation device, NASA standard initiator, fairings, attach flanges, required documentation, coupled loads analysis, notching).
    • Design Process (Deliverables, load path, load cycle, quasi-static analysis, Miles equation).
    • Types of Structures (Primary, secondary, fasteners, structure mass fraction, honeycomb materials, spacecraft examples).
    • Stress Analysis (Stress-strain, normal stress, shear stress, beam shear and moment, Poisson’s ratio, section moduli, buckling).
    • Structural Dynamics (Force and displacement transmissibility, natural frequency, and modes).
    • Mass Estimates (Expected and unplanned growth, examples, reserve, margin, contingency, mass growth assessments, typical mass densities,).
    • Materials (Material properties, composites).
    • Finite Element Analyses (Description, method, example analysis, FEM process, spacecraft FEM results compared to test).
    • Test Verification (Models developed, test categories, strength tests, vibration tests, acoustics, shock, spin balance, appendage deployment, example spa, and mass properties tests).
  13. Introduction to CubeSats:
    1. NASA CubeSat Launch Initiative (Description, process, announcements of opportunities, development process, requirements, timeline).
    2. Cubesat Dispensers (Generic description, commercial dispensers, P-POD, NASA nanosatellite launch adapter, Tyvak, Nanoracks, and ULA dispensers).
    3. Design Specifications (Design documents available, CubeSat design specification rev. 13, 6U Cubesat Design Specification Rev 1.0).
    4. Cubesat Designs (Selected cubesat designs).
  14. Mission Operations:
    • Introduction (Overview, orbit, and trajectory, challenges,).
    • Operational Architectures (Examples, data flow). Concept of Operations and Operations Concept (Concept of operations, operations concept, OpsCon life cycle.
    • Roles and Responsibilities (launch and early operations, sustainment, anomaly responses, closeout).
    • Operational Scenarios (Development, evaluation).
    • Configuration Management (Goals).
    • Enabling Technologies (Important technologies are identified).
    • Staffing (Team formation, composition for complex, medium, and small teams, Space Station team example, shift scheduling, training and certification, cost factors).
Space Systems – Subsystems Designs TrainingSpace Systems – Subsystems Designs Training Course Wrap-Up